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Winning at Work – Are employer of choice awards worth it?


Employer of choice awards image of trophy

You’ve got the best gig ever, employer branding (I know what you are thinking…biased much? Raving fan of EB over here and proud!). Undoubtedly you will start to think about ways to build awareness and strengthen your organization’s reputation. Often employer of choice awards come to mind. With more and more award organizations popping up and categories emerging, it’s hard to know what is worth pursuing.

Employer of Choice Awards can be helpful within the world of employer brand management and employee experience strategy. When they are part of a larger people plan, they can provide intentionality and help narrow your organization’s focus on programs that are truly meaningful within the employee experience.

Here are five ways employer of choice awards can strengthen your organization’s position in the talent marketplace.

1) They force you to reflect upon the employee experience and make it better

The award submission process can serve as an opportunity for reflection. In my humble opinion, awards should not be a random exercise in throwing tactics against the wall to see what sticks. Like my philosophy around the broader people promise and employee experience, awards play a role in intentionality. They provide an opportunity to pause, reflect, and optimize. This may mean reviewing award criteria to better understand organizational gaps so that these gaps can be remediated. This may mean not pursuing awards for a period of a year to right the ship, do the heavy lifting, and serve the employee population in a more thoughtful manner.

Whether you are in it to win it in year one or simply information gathering, the awards circuit allows us to look in the mirror and ensure we are building a world-class employee experience.

2) Brand enrichment

For those lucky enough to be finalists or recipients of industry or employer of choice awards, employer brand enrichment can occur. Promotion around award programs provides additional reach and broader brand awareness to populations who may not have had the opportunity to interact with the brand in the past. Just think back to the last award list you saw and you will probably recall seeing names of organizations that provide a product or service that is not consumer-facing, thus you may not have had the opportunity to interact with the brand up until that point.

This means brand awareness grows, as does prestige, as discovery was through being noted as a leader within the industry and/or the employee experience.

3) Social proof

Social proof is essentially reinforcing a brand’s credibility by having a trusted third party associated with it. Think of your consumer brand purchases, you likely visited sites that mention the product or service being featured in a major publication or being used by a large multinational corporation. Social proof leverages the existing trust of these global publications and/or multinational organizations to establish credibility. Awards are valuable social proof.

4) Additional traffic

From a talent attraction perspective, many award sites link to either a career site or directly to one’s ATS thus providing an additional traffic opportunity. Let’s face it, attention matters. Gaining additional attention streams can serve both your employer brand, as well as your consumer brand.

5) Employee pride

Last but certainly not least is the benefit of employee pride. Being appointed a finalist or the recipient of an employer of choice award benefits more than the leaders of the organization, it can help to ignite employee pride. Employees want to feel proud of where they work as it is a pivotal association made with them as individuals. Being associated with an award-winning business with employee-centric practices helps employees feel proud of who they work for and indirectly helps elevate their personal brands.

There you have it, five reasons to consider industry and employer of choice awards. Once again, in order to derive the greatest benefit from this investment, it is important that there be an overarching people strategy that embeds the employee value proposition (EVP), essentially “the why” into each stage of the employee life-cycle. Once established, awards can provide intentionality, focus, and commitment to an exceptional employee experience.


Wishing you peace, love, and meaningful careers,



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Internal communications image

How To Write Employee Communications With Heart In Five Simple Steps

Have you ever received a corporate email laced with jargon and wondered why communications can’t share information in a more human manner? We got you. Not only is it possible, but there is also a helpful formula to make sure you don’t put your readers to sleep. Are you ready for it?

1) Determine what you want the audience to know and how you want them to feel

Start by understanding your communication goals. What do you need the reader to learn from this communication and how do you want them to feel while reading it? When we are intentional, not simply about information structure, but also the emotional response, we improve the output. Rather than a vanilla communication, compose heart-centered messages that share not simply the desired information but also enrich the employee experience.

2) Speak to one person and do so with transparency

Stop writing to the masses. The best way to hit it out of the park with your communication is to imagine your reader, not your readership. When you move from a generic mass communication to a custom-crafted message that can still be shared broadly, you increase your odds that it will feel human, connected, and sincere. 

Don’t forget to be transparent. If you need to gloss over the facts with jargon, don’t bother including them. Employees want to be informed, trust their leaders, and this is built with transparency. Share the journey and help employees understand the landscape. Let them know what is keeping you up at night and what you are doing about it.

3) What’s in it for them

While speaking to your reader, ask yourself, “what is in it for them, or what is the impact?”. It’s human nature to focus on our personal impact, positive or negative. Shifting our thinking to the reader’s questions helps build messages which convey what is needed while addressing the elephant in the room. This helps communications land well, reduces noise, and assists the team in digesting the information. 

4) Add images or video

Tell stories, don’t just regurgitate facts. Bring the reader into the story with visual elements. Did you launch a new product? Share images of the product team including the journey leading up the launch (the pizza boxes, the goofy moments, the product demos, and team shots). Bring the reader into the experience of the message with informal images and video. Highly produced scripted video or portrait shots won’t usually win over hearts. Keep it real!

5) Use modern channels

Communication is simply the sharing of information. Break those predictable communication patterns and experiment with new channels. From live streaming to internal podcasting, there are plenty of ways to break up with the “office memo”. Kick it new-school. Consider the criticality, confidentiality, and scope of the message when determining the appropriate channel.

There you have it, employee communications delivered with intention and heart! Now go on out there and build an awesome workplace!

Need help communicating with your team in ways which inspire connection? We got you! Powerhouse Talent builds meaningful employee communications, compelling employer award submissions, and social media content which unites. Hit us up at i[email protected] to learn more. Contact info here

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HR and Recruitment Training

Recruiter Training Has Never Been So Much Fun!

Recruiter Training: You’ve heard it before, your recruiters want more training. The war for talent is intensifying and the landscape seems to be changing on a daily basis. While conferences are great networking opportunities, you are really looking for training that is specific to your organization’s current state. A collection of generalized approaches to topics is just no longer cutting it. 

Powerhouse Talent's Recruiter Training

Behold…Powerhouse Talent’s Talent Attraction Learning Intensive. Our custom learning workshops are called intensives for a reason. We get in there and dig into your organization’s specific needs. We dive deep into pain points and build the path forward together while learning simultaneously. We like to say we put the “action” in talent attraction learning.

Powerhouse Talent's Recruiter Training

Powerhouse Talent's Recruiter Training

In each customized session we provide inspiration, education, and operationalization to help get you to the other side! The best part is we have a blast doing it! Our sessions are designed for team building and togetherness. They are fun and human….no stuffy theory lectures here! So much so that we have a 100% net promoter score with participants describing the training as inspiring, engaging, unique, useful, and high quality!

Powerhouse Talent's Recruiter Training

Give us a shout today to learn more. 

Join our journey on Instagram! Wishing you peace, love, meaningful careers!

Recruiter Training Has Never Been So Much Fun! Read More »

How to Create Brand Champions at Your Organization


Ready to put the ACTION in Talent Attraction!?!?

We work with employers who are ready to stand out in the war for talent and turn their company from “best kept secret” to “talent hot spot“. And the best part is, we make it feel easy on you as a busy HR professional, not to mention easy on your recruiting budget! We have put together a FREE employer branding webinar to help you rock the talent world! Click here to access it.

Ready to learn more? Check out our employer branding and talent attraction courses and coaching programs here.

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How to Create Brand Champions at Your Organization Read More »

It’s Time To Stop Staffing For Yesterday’s Banks


Ready to put the ACTION in Talent Attraction!?!?

We work with employers who are ready to stand out in the war for talent and turn their company from “best kept secret” to “talent hot spot“. And the best part is, we make it feel easy on you as a busy HR professional, not to mention easy on your recruiting budget! We have put together a FREE employer branding webinar to help you rock the talent world! Click here to access it.

Ready to learn more? Check out our employer branding and talent attraction courses and coaching programs here.

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It’s Time To Stop Staffing For Yesterday’s Banks Read More »

Ten Great Recruitment Videos

These companies have set aside vanilla and opted for a more flavourful preview into the employee experience. Here you will find 10 recruitment videos that don’t suck and actually leave an imprint. Let’s take a look…shall we?

Fiverr – We start with Fiverr. This video pokes fun at all of the cookie cutter recruitment videos that likely cost thousands if not tens of thousands to shoot and yet still leave no mark in the job seeker’s mind. Remember, everyone is at a different stage of the recruitment funnel and the video’s job is to create enough of an impression that brand recall occurs.




Vimeo – This one is an oldie but a goodie! It also shows you that you don’t need a serious production crew to film a human, funny, and memorable video. To top it off, this video is credible. Job seekers get to see real employees literally lying on a couch working or figuring out lunch. No smoke and mirrors here…just the raw and real employee experience. The viewer learns so much about the culture through one video. Well done Vimeo!


BBH London – “You cannot make a difference if indifferent!” True that! This video is so unique and powerful. Remember that great brands are designed to both attract and repel.  This is what optimizes your recruitment funnel. Opening the floodgates is old school thinking. Let your recruitment marketing do some work for you and that is exactly what this video does!

Natural Light – Relatable, fun, funny, and memorable! This company doesn’t take itself too seriously and as a result builds excitement around their summer intern opportunities. Move over stuffy corporate videos, hello #NattyIntern!


Starbucks – Real employee stories never seem to get old. The link to future career aspirations is also a key highlight of this video and a career at Starbucks. Walmart is doing something similar to help launch the careers of emerging talent.


Discover.org – This one is human and informative, a wee bit wacky, yet relatable. It tells a story of the company journey and hits all of the key considerations such as commute in the video. Well done Discover.org! 


Chewy.com – Chewy rocked this recruitment video! It demonstrated a customer centric workplace that is fun, wacky, and high-performing. Great recruitment marketing helps optimize the recruitment funnel by giving a realistic preview of the employee experience thus helping people opt in or out. Anyone not looking to go the extra mile for customers will understand this is not the workplace for them. There was a strong use of color for a consistent visual identity thus increasing the likelihood of brand recall. If you don’t want to work at Chewy after this video, you will certainly want to be a customer. LOVE! 


Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department – Take a massively popular trending topic like Game of Thrones, throw in a reference to your field, use your creative mind to bridge the two and you have a solid and playful recruitment video like the one from the Las Vegas police department. This video demonstrates passion for the field…so much so, Sophie Turner is considering a career in police work. This video not only highlighted that the work is interesting but that Las Vegas is the place to do it. Help job seekers answer the questions that are in their minds.


Soda Stream – Save the planet, join the revolution! Soda Stream highlights the qualities that enable one to thrive while being playful and funny at the same time. They weave in purpose and environmental conscientiousness allowing job seekers to see how their discipline specific talents may be put to use in bigger ways.


Dell – If you are going to create a corporate video, Dell does it right. It doesn’t feel scripted. It discusses the relevant topics on job seekers minds such as flexibility. While it may not scream funny and playful, it is successful in building the ever-sought after “know, like, and trust”. 

Well there you have it! It is possible to create recruitment video assets that are human, provide a realistic picture of the employee experience, and help job seekers descend in the recruitment funnel.

Now go on out there, hit record, and show the world your awesomeness!

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Ten Great Recruitment Videos Read More »

Résumés Are Starting to Look Like Instagram—and Sometimes Even Tinder


We work with employers who are ready to stand out in the war for talent and turn their company from “best kept secret” to “talent hot spot“. And the best part is, we make it feel easy on you as a busy HR professional, not to mention easy on your recruiting budget! We have put together a FREE employer branding webinar to help you rock the talent world! Click here to access it.

Ready to learn more? Check out our employer branding and talent attraction courses and coaching programs here.

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