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The training solutions listed on this page are provided for informational purposes only, and our company does not endorse or have any affiliation with the products or their quality (aside from Powerhouse Talent courses); we strongly advise individuals to conduct their own research before making any purchasing decisions. Important: This site may contain links to third-party websites for your convenience. We do not endorse or control the content of these sites and are not liable for any outcome. Please use these links at your own discretion.

Recruitment & Employer Brand​ Training

We’ve taken our proven methodology for employee value proposition (EVP) and employer brand strategy development and simplified it making it easy for passionate HR and TA practitioners to learn, grow, and unite as a team to build their very own employer brand strategy. Kick off your EB project with inspiration and the knowledge you will need to cross the finish line!

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Dive into the foundations of storytelling and amplifying your employer brand key messages with our “Getting Started with Recruitment Marketing” training course! Designed to demystify marketing and inspire action, this program helps teams lay the groundwork for their storytelling strategy and key communication channels.

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Go beyond post and pray and begin to think strategically about the discipline of talent attraction. In this engaging workshop, students will learn talent attraction strategic fundamentals, the recruitment funnel and how to optimize it, TA channels, and how to build a sustainable TA practice. We put the action in Talent Attraction learning!

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“Successful businesses need to attract and hire the best candidates. In this course, you will study current issues in human resources and the procedures many Canadian organizations use to recruit, retain and assess employees. You’ll see how organizations can improve recruitment and selection, and how they achieve organizational goals by identifying and employing the people best suited to their corporate culture. Topics include Canadian legal standards, scientific approaches to selection and steps involved in developing and validating a selection system.” 

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“The essen­tials of recruit­ment and selec­tion is the focus of this course. The broad cov­er­age of top­ics may include: inter­nal and exter­nal fac­tors that influ­ence recruit­ment and selec­tion prac­tices, leg­isla­tive frame­work, job analy­sis and com­pe­ten­cy mod­els, recruit­ment sources and attract­ing job appli­cants, screen­ing, test­ing, and inter­view­ing and deci­sion making.”

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Tired of putting your EB project on the backburner? Still struggling to attract top talent to your organization? Ready to stand out in a crowded marketplace? We got you!

Learn from the pros!

We’ve taken our proven methodology for employee value proposition (EVP) and employer brand strategy development and simplified it making it easy for passionate HR and TA practitioners to do it themselves (#DIYEB).

Enroll in Land Your Brand and get FREE access to two additional courses!

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Leadership Development

“Effective leaders recognize their actions may have both intended and unintended consequences, so they carefully consider the culture that their actions will help shape. They recognize that by creating a positive climate that inspires team members, they influence them to contribute their best.”

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“If you want to develop your leadership skills in key areas with focused courses, there are plenty to choose from when achieving the Leadership Essentials certificate. This program offers six leadership competencies, from which you choose the three most suitable for your career aspirations and trajectory. You’ll come away with the kind of leadership and management skills that make organizations successful.”

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“With course content including Leadership Styles and Strengths and Coaching for Performance it’s never been easier to increase your leadership skills, learn effective management techniques, and refine your ability to engage well with teams and stakeholders.”

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“Our Leadership program provides the insights that will help you to build yourself as a leader.

Through intensive self-discovery, peer coaching, and one-on-one coaching, you will achieve a deep understanding of yourself and your leadership style. You will be guided in creating a powerful personal development plan to fully realize your leadership potential.”

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“The Advanced Cer­tifi­cate in Lead­er­ship pro­gram will pro­vide emerg­ing lead­ers with the oppor­tu­ni­ty to learn, expe­ri­ence, devel­op, and prac­tice new lead­er­ship skills to bring with them to their organizations.

This lead­er­ship train­ing pro­gram is designed for pro­fes­sion­als in super­vi­so­ry, mid-lev­el man­age­ment, and emerg­ing lead­er­ship posi­tions in a wide range of employ­ment sec­tors, includ­ing pri­vate, gov­ern­men­tal, and educational.”

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“Long-term success in any modern organization comes from developing managers who can successfully plan and organize work and provide effective leadership. This online certificate program will elevate you from a follower to a leader.

You will gain the valuable insights and skills needed to lead teams to success. You will also use experiential learning to help you question your fundamental assumptions, beliefs, and values regarding leading or managing people.”

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Team Culture & Communication

This interactive workshop utilizes CultureTalk’s individual assessment to help team members better understand themselves and each other to help deepen empathy and collaboration. Discover team archetype composition and how to leverage gifts, talents, and natural behaviours for enhanced collaboration. Uncover how shadows can emerge in times of change and stress. Create team behaviour norms to support collective positive change to foster greater team cohesion.

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“Aimed at managers and those just starting their careers, the Workplace Communications program is designed to help you clearly convey your ideas, with a focus on communication strategy and technique. These courses zero in on written and verbal communication skills, presentation, and negotiation, as well as interpersonal communication skills that can help you communicate effectively in any situation.”

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“This course is designed to pre­pare par­tic­i­pants for inter­act­ing in the work­place, while at the same time learn­ing how to com­mu­ni­cate effec­tive­ly and under­stand how their com­mu­ni­ca­tion affects oth­ers in the work­place. The micro­cre­den­tials will focus on the acqui­si­tion of lan­guage skills and com­pe­ten­cies, soft skills, and cul­tur­al com­pe­ten­cies need­ed for suc­cess in the work­place. Top­ics cov­er effec­tive com­mu­ni­ca­tion, pro­fes­sion­al writ­ing, prob­lem solv­ing, clar­i­ty in speech, and more.”

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Seneca offers several communications related courses and workshops.

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Toronto, ON

M5C 1C4

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