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HR and Recruitment Training

Recruiter Training Has Never Been So Much Fun!

Recruiter Training: You’ve heard it before, your recruiters want more training. The war for talent is intensifying and the landscape seems to be changing on a daily basis. While conferences are great networking opportunities, you are really looking for training that is specific to your organization’s current state. A collection of generalized approaches to topics is just no longer cutting it. 

Powerhouse Talent's Recruiter Training

Behold…Powerhouse Talent’s Talent Attraction Learning Intensive. Our custom learning workshops are called intensives for a reason. We get in there and dig into your organization’s specific needs. We dive deep into pain points and build the path forward together while learning simultaneously. We like to say we put the “action” in talent attraction learning.

Powerhouse Talent's Recruiter Training

Powerhouse Talent's Recruiter Training

In each customized session we provide inspiration, education, and operationalization to help get you to the other side! The best part is we have a blast doing it! Our sessions are designed for team building and togetherness. They are fun and human….no stuffy theory lectures here! So much so that we have a 100% net promoter score with participants describing the training as inspiring, engaging, unique, useful, and high quality!

Powerhouse Talent's Recruiter Training

Give us a shout today to learn more. 

Join our journey on Instagram! Wishing you peace, love, meaningful careers!

Recruiter Training Has Never Been So Much Fun! Read More »

It’s Time To Stop Staffing For Yesterday’s Banks


Ready to put the ACTION in Talent Attraction!?!?

We work with employers who are ready to stand out in the war for talent and turn their company from “best kept secret” to “talent hot spot“. And the best part is, we make it feel easy on you as a busy HR professional, not to mention easy on your recruiting budget! We have put together a FREE employer branding webinar to help you rock the talent world! Click here to access it.

Ready to learn more? Check out our employer branding and talent attraction courses and coaching programs here.

Recruitment and employer brand training

It’s Time To Stop Staffing For Yesterday’s Banks Read More »

Ten Great Recruitment Videos

These companies have set aside vanilla and opted for a more flavourful preview into the employee experience. Here you will find 10 recruitment videos that don’t suck and actually leave an imprint. Let’s take a look…shall we?

Fiverr – We start with Fiverr. This video pokes fun at all of the cookie cutter recruitment videos that likely cost thousands if not tens of thousands to shoot and yet still leave no mark in the job seeker’s mind. Remember, everyone is at a different stage of the recruitment funnel and the video’s job is to create enough of an impression that brand recall occurs.




Vimeo – This one is an oldie but a goodie! It also shows you that you don’t need a serious production crew to film a human, funny, and memorable video. To top it off, this video is credible. Job seekers get to see real employees literally lying on a couch working or figuring out lunch. No smoke and mirrors here…just the raw and real employee experience. The viewer learns so much about the culture through one video. Well done Vimeo!


BBH London – “You cannot make a difference if indifferent!” True that! This video is so unique and powerful. Remember that great brands are designed to both attract and repel.  This is what optimizes your recruitment funnel. Opening the floodgates is old school thinking. Let your recruitment marketing do some work for you and that is exactly what this video does!

Natural Light – Relatable, fun, funny, and memorable! This company doesn’t take itself too seriously and as a result builds excitement around their summer intern opportunities. Move over stuffy corporate videos, hello #NattyIntern!


Starbucks – Real employee stories never seem to get old. The link to future career aspirations is also a key highlight of this video and a career at Starbucks. Walmart is doing something similar to help launch the careers of emerging talent.


Discover.org – This one is human and informative, a wee bit wacky, yet relatable. It tells a story of the company journey and hits all of the key considerations such as commute in the video. Well done Discover.org! 


Chewy.com – Chewy rocked this recruitment video! It demonstrated a customer centric workplace that is fun, wacky, and high-performing. Great recruitment marketing helps optimize the recruitment funnel by giving a realistic preview of the employee experience thus helping people opt in or out. Anyone not looking to go the extra mile for customers will understand this is not the workplace for them. There was a strong use of color for a consistent visual identity thus increasing the likelihood of brand recall. If you don’t want to work at Chewy after this video, you will certainly want to be a customer. LOVE! 


Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department – Take a massively popular trending topic like Game of Thrones, throw in a reference to your field, use your creative mind to bridge the two and you have a solid and playful recruitment video like the one from the Las Vegas police department. This video demonstrates passion for the field…so much so, Sophie Turner is considering a career in police work. This video not only highlighted that the work is interesting but that Las Vegas is the place to do it. Help job seekers answer the questions that are in their minds.


Soda Stream – Save the planet, join the revolution! Soda Stream highlights the qualities that enable one to thrive while being playful and funny at the same time. They weave in purpose and environmental conscientiousness allowing job seekers to see how their discipline specific talents may be put to use in bigger ways.


Dell – If you are going to create a corporate video, Dell does it right. It doesn’t feel scripted. It discusses the relevant topics on job seekers minds such as flexibility. While it may not scream funny and playful, it is successful in building the ever-sought after “know, like, and trust”. 

Well there you have it! It is possible to create recruitment video assets that are human, provide a realistic picture of the employee experience, and help job seekers descend in the recruitment funnel.

Now go on out there, hit record, and show the world your awesomeness!

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Walmart expands VR training to every US store


We work with employers who are ready to stand out in the war for talent and turn their company from “best kept secret” to “talent hot spot“. And the best part is, we make it feel easy on you as a busy HR professional, not to mention easy on your recruiting budget! We have put together a FREE employer branding webinar to help you rock the talent world! Click here to access it.

Ready to learn more? Check out our employer branding and talent attraction courses and coaching programs here.

Recruitment and employer brand training

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What we can learn about employee & candidate experience through a cup of coffee

What we can learn about employee experience through coffee

Two years ago, a long-standing neighbourhood second tier coffee shop chain was replaced with a Starbucks. The former coffee shop was usually empty. While they made awesome donuts, they struggled.

Down came the sign and nobody knew what would soon occupy this prime corner lot. Then came the infamous green signage, the modern refacing of the exterior, and beautiful interior fixtures that felt like home (or at least a home we wish we lived in). There was no modification to the physical structure, in fact the floor plan remained unchanged.

Today this Starbucks is constantly packed. From students to entrepreneurs, from parents to neighbourhood kids, it’s the local go to place.

Why is it now so busy? They both served coffee, had ample seating, and played music. One magnetized customers while the other was unnoticeable.

Starbucks created an experience in the truest sense of the word.

When the HR community talks about “employee experience”, many redirect the discussion towards process optimization which may be part of the solution, but not to be confused with the immersion of partaking in a meaningful moment.

So what can we learn from this java transformation?

Create an energy – It all boils down to energy. As Marty Neumeier says, brand is a “gut feeling” about a product or a service. Starbucks created an energy around who they are, what they stand for, and what one can expect. There, we are introduced to vibrant music some of which we have never heard before, versus the typical elevator soft rock pouring through the speakers elsewhere. Staff are laughing and chatting with each other as well as customers. The lighting is dim and warm in stark contrast to the sterile and impersonal environments elsewhere.

Ask yourself – What is the energy of your workplace when you enter the door? Even schools these days are pumping music through the PA system to kick off the day with the “right vibe”.

Vanilla (unless as an espresso shot) is the equivalent of white noise – Starbucks didn’t play it safe, they played it as them. From their decor to their music selection, it’s not for everyone but when it’s right, it’s VERY right. This is how you create raving fans. Apple also takes bold stances and as a result, their following is deep-rooted. Playing it safe and opting for vanilla will never create a remarkable brand.

Ask yourself – What is your organization’s brand personality? If you are struggling to find an answer, there’s your answer. Ditch the vanilla and leave your mark.

Traditions matter – Cultivating an experience is about creating customs and traditions. Starbucks writes your name on a cup and we joke at some of the strange spellings, but we have come to expect that as part of the experience. It is personal. It is distinct.  

Ask yourself – What traditions do you share as a company that are embedded in who you are and are part of the fabric of your culture? What playful and memorable moments occur during important milestones (onboarding, birthdays, baby showers, etc.)?

Create belonging – Starbucks creates warmth and comfort at every turn. They use woods instead of plastics for seating, as though they are inviting you to “stay awhile”. This again is in stark contrast to the turnstile “fast food” ambiance that we have come to expect elsewhere. Companies too should be looking to foster belonging and warmth. From the outset, organizations that create a comfortable environment for talent to explore opportunities within, will be the ones that win, over those that “grill” and intimidate during the interview process.

Ask yourself – Are you creating comfort and belonging in your interview process?

The power of brand – Brands are built on consistency. Starbucks has found their “secret sauce” for creating a welcoming environment that has personality and emits an energy drawing in both new and repeat customers. Instead of building a process, build an “experience”, master it, and then create a system for consistently delivering it. Your employer brand will thank you.

While this example may appear to paint a picture of a diehard Starbucks coffee drinker, in fact nothing could be further from the truth. While I will drink Starbucks coffee during my many visits there, it is not my preference. So why do I keep going back? I return to truly experience something more than a transaction. Your current and prospective employees seek the same.


Need Employer Branding help but worried you don’t have the budget? Check out the Employer Branding Co-Operative for EB coaching. Let’s hit it out of the park together! Full-service more your style? Hit us up here.

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